
Saturday, October 22, 2011

I blog.

Hey ya! I welcome myself to the world of blogging once again. I used to write blogs in tumblr since 2009. I don't know what happened but I lost interest in writing blogs anymore. My tumblr account is now filled with videos, songs and reblogs. This year, I had always been thinking of going back to blogging but whenever I feel like writing a new blog, I find my mind empty. Confused, actually. I don't know what to say and where to begin. Well actually, there's a lot of things that had happened to me already. Only, these things are not meant for blogging. LOL. I also lost interest in taking pictures because I got irritated with my camera which is always "low-bat."

I visited my tumblr account and I realized that I really loved blogging about non-sense things. There were also posts that I should have not posted publicly. By the way, here's a preview of my tumblr account. I liked the simple layout (credits to the owner). 

Since I also wished I could make a clean and simple layout for this site, I spent half of the day customizing my site. So, here it goes...

My header/banner:
*The picture in my header was my creative shot.

I made and want this as my background:

But I could not make it perfectly fit to my site so I just ended up with this background:

Very simple, right? 

But hey, what can you say about my "template design"? 

Please give some feedbacks. LOL.

That's all folks! :)