
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Something Something

I came across this 30 Days of Truth List and chose to answer those "Something..." questions.

Something I hate about myself:
One thing I hate about myself is I'm such a crybaby. I could not control my tears to stop from falling whenever I'm hurt. Really. Imagine a grown-up crying just because of a simple thing. How bad does it look like? Gahd. Plus the fact that I get hurt easily. So if you love me, better not hurt me. ^_^

Something I love about myself:
There's so much to love about myself. Haha. Yes, I do believe so. Well, I think the same goes for you too. Of course, we should love ourselves more than anyone. I love the way I am.

Something I have to forgive myself for:
I need to forgive myself for the disappointments and hardships I gave to my parents.

Something I have to forgive someone for:
It would really take a long time before I can forgive the moments in which I was being taken for granted and my kindness was abused. Like what I said earlier, I get hurt easily. Maybe, I have forgiven the person and the deed already but I would not forgot those easily. Those are too painful for me to forget.

Something you hope to do in your life:
Give charity. I mean big time donations, ^^

Something you hope you never have to do:
Hmmm, I can't think of any at the moment.

Something people seem to compliment you the most on:
Hmmmmmmmmmm, I think it would be my hair. Haha.

Something you never get compliments on:
Hmmm, I can't think of any at the moment.

Something you wish you hadn't done in your life:
No regrets, just love. :D

Something you wish you have done in your life:
No regrets, just love. :D

Something you hope to change about yourself, and why:
I'm hoping that I can be less emotional and not be a crybaby anymore because I need to be stronger and tougher in life.

There you go. :)
Now, it's your turn. What are those something something about you?


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